What exactly do you do?
Is Hope Ranch a ranch?
Where does the name come from?
What is sex trafficking?
Is sex trafficking really a problem in this area?
Why is trafficking so rampant in Eugene and Springfield?
How do you find the survivors?
Aren’t the girls choosing their lifestyle?
How can I help?
How are you funded?
Your organization is faith-based. Do I have to be a Christian to volunteer?
Can men help?
Aren’t the girls choosing their lifestyle?
We believe that the vast majority of those who end up being trafficked have had their sense of self-worth damaged early on, often by sexual abuse. Abusive relationships, drug addiction, poverty, and manipulation can all put women in a position that makes prostitution feel like the only option. We are seeing an alarming increase in cases of human trafficking, and they don’t necessarily begin with runaways or forcible kidnapping.
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